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Executive Health Checkup

Price : INR 2199/-

The aim of Executive Health Check Up is to extend the healthy life expectancy of population, to avoid untimely death and to improve the quality of life for people with a disease or disability. Prevention is directed towards the early recognition and prevention of disease. It is an effective component of health care: it achieves more positive effects than medical treatment and at less cost Health promotion is aimed at influencing people’s social circumstances and lifestyles so that their health is improved (or maintained) and disease is prevented.

Complete Blood Count 

Blood Sugar Fasting

LFT: Bilirubin-(Total, Direct & Inditect) , SGOT(AST),SGPT(ALT), Alkaline Phosphate,Protein-Total, Albumin, Globulin, Albumin / Globulin Ratio, Gamma GT, SGOT/SGPT Ratio

KFT: Blood Urea, Blood Urea Nitrogen(BUN), Serum Creatinine, Uric Acid, Sodium, Potasium, Chloride, Calcium

Lipid Profile: Cholestrol- Total, Triglyceride, LDL(calculated), HDL(calculated),VLDL(calculated) LDL/HDL Ratio, HDL/LDL Ratio, CHOL / HDL Ratio, Non HDL Cholesterol ,

Thyroid Function Test – T3, T4, TSH,

Iron Panel Basic(Serum Iron, TIBC)


Vit B-12, Vit D-25, Testosteron-Total